Junior Granges are organized by Grange Leaders associated with a Community or State Grange. A chartered Junior Grange requires a minimum of 13 children in a mix of girls and boys to go through the organizational process.
To organize a Junior Grange, you must follow the By-Laws and Code of the National Grange – plus any requirements of your State Grange.
The National By-Laws require the following:
4.3.2 Charters – Junior, Subordinate and Pomona Granges – Junior, Subordinate and Pomona Granges shall be organized by Charter in those States where a State Grange has been organized by Charter under the following procedure:
(A) The application for a Charter must be approved by the President of the State Grange having jurisdiction before it is filed with the Secretary of the National Grange.
(B) When the President of the National Grange determines that the organization of a Junior, Subordinate or Pomona Grange is completed, the President shall direct the Secretary of the National Grange to issue a charter on behalf of the National Grange for such Junior, Subordinate or Pomona Grange.
(C) When the Charter is issued by the National Grange, it shall be signed by the President and Secretary of the State Grange having jurisdiction and the Seal of said State Grange shall be affixed to the Charter.