PURPOSE: To capture the activities of the Junior Grange member throughout the year.

What did you do? Where did you go? What did you participate in?

This is your journey- Design your pages around your Junior Grange Activities for the year.

  1. Must be a Junior Grange Member.
  2. Scrapbook must be on standard 8 ½ x11 paper
  3. Maximum 15 pages, excluding cover sheet
  4. Include a Scrapbook cover sheet with
    • Name
    • Age (and birthdate)
    • State
    • Grange name and number
    • Mailing address
  5. Submissions must be postmarked by October 1st of current year.
Will be broken down into 3 age categories:

Group 1: 5-7
Group 2: 8-10
Group 3: 11-14

AWARDS: Cash prizes for 1st-3rd place winners in each age category will be awarded during the Junior Breakfast at National Session. Winners not present will have their awards mailed to them

Judging will be based off creativity, originality, and use of theme.