The National Grange is committed to providing an environment that is safe for Juniors and Youth during National Grange activities. This policy is designed to protect our young people, instill confidence in those entrusting us with their children, and protect adult volunteers and staff from allegations that may be unwarranted.

Any individual age 18 and above, in a leadership position working directly with Juniors and Youth under 18, must obtain a clean and clear national background check through a company approved by the National Grange Executive Committee. It is highly recommended that the online service be used. All reports are kept confidential by Safe Gatherings and are not in possession of the National Grange, and are valid for two years.

Any individual age 18 and above, in a leadership position working directly with Juniors and Youth under 18 must obtain a clean and clear background check before their participation in any National Grange sponsored event. These events include but are not limited to: National Grange Session, Regional Conferences, Camps (i.e. Revival), and any other National Grange sponsored events.

The costs to obtain these background checks will be borne by the individual unless they are National Grange Staff, Directors, or members of the National Grange Youth Team, when the cost will be paid from their National Grange budget.

If an individual fails the background check they will not be permitted to work with Junior Grangers and/or Youth age Grange members.


Two deep leadership – there should always be at least two leaders age 21 or older at all Junior or Youth functions.

No one-on-one contact – One-on-one contact between adults and Juniors or Youth under 18 is not permitted. If the necessity for one-on-one interactions between adults and children arises, the interaction should occur in an unenclosed area and with the knowledge of another adult.