The Oliver Hudson Kelley Farm in Elk River, Minn., is home of one of the founders of our Grange Order. They could use the aid of the Junior Grangers from across the country to help feed the animals at the Kelley Farm. With workhorses, oxen, milk cows, pigs, sheep, and chickens to feed every day of the year, all donations large or small are greatly appreciated and will help with the feed costs a great deal.
Plan with your Junior Grangers a way to ‘support an animal’ on the Kelley Farm.
Here is a break down of how much it costs just for grain to feed the animals on the Kelley Farm:
Raising a pig from birth to finish = $150 (one season)
Care for a horse per year = $1800
Care for a Cow per year = $900
Care for an Ox per year= $1000
Lamb birth to yearling = $150
Broiler hatch to finish (5 weeks) = $5
Turkey hen (14 weeks) = $17
Turkey Tom (18 weeks) = $19
You can write to the farm for more information:
Oliver H. Kelley Farm
15788 Kelley Farm Rd.
Elk River MN 55330
To see pictures of the Kelley Farm animals, visit the Minnesota Historical Society website.
Make your checks payable to “Grange Foundation” with Kelley Farm written on the memo line. Send your check and this form to:
National Grange Office in Washington D.C. 1616 H St NW, Washington DC 20006